Darla Ponace

Darla Ponace

Podcast Host & Producer

Ānīn Darla Ponace nitišinihkās, nitanihšinapēhkwēw Zagime Anishinabek iškonikanink nitōnci Regina nitayā. Nihsomitana ahsi pēšik nitahsopipōnē. Nôhkôyipan nikī-ompikihik. Nīš nikosihsak nitayāwāk šikwa nikī-ompikihāk nihso nīnimôk.

Learning my language has been a big part of my life since I began university four years ago. I was so happy to learn that Saulteaux was offered at the First Nations University, so I decided to take the beginner classes. I would look forward to learning new words just so I could speak to my grandmother in Saulteaux to see if she would remember some words. We would have a good time laughing together, and it helped her remember things she thought she had forgotten. Since she passed it took a toll on me, but I never stopped wanting to learn more of my language due to the memories that I shared with her.

This podcast was inspired by my parental roles I took on as a caregiver to my little cousins and also my role of being a mother to my two sons. I thought it would be helpful for others to learn more of the traditional ways of our Saulteaux people
also. I hope everyone enjoys the wonderful teachings Verna had to share as much as I did!