Jean Daigneault

Air Date: March 31, 2022


Episode one - Jean Daigneault.



Elizabeth Gardiner

Jean Daigneault

Episode Guest

Jean Daigneault was born in 1949 which makes her 73 years young this year. She was raised with different families in the Buffalo Narrows area of northwest Saskatchewan as alcoholism made life at home unbearable. She married at 15 years old which was common back then. She had six of her own children and raised two grandchildren. She was widowed 23 years ago.As a Metis, Jean was not forced to attend residential school. She did attend elementary school first in Clear Lake and then Buffalo Narrows. Clear Lake was a central community prior to the 40's and 50's but does not exist anymore. The people who lived there were moved to areas accessible by road as Clear Lake was not. She says she completed grade three orfour but returned later in life to adult upgrading and life skills classes. She enjoyed going to school as an adult.


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